Young Enumerators and Mediators (YEM) Capacity Development
Ninewa Governorate remains deeply affected by the aftermath of the Islamic State (IS) occupation, with destroyed infrastructure, weakened administrative structures, and limited access to social services. Economic hardships, competition for resources, and an influx of returnees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) exacerbate tensions, increasing the risk of violent conflict.
The Young Enumerators and Mediators (YEM) Capacity Development project is part of the GIZ project Strengthening Resilience in Dealing with Crises and Conflicts in Ninewa (SRN) and aims to empower youth (18-35 years) in five districts: Tel Afar, Mosul, Hamdaniya, Sinjar, and Tel Kaif. Implemented by Dorsch Impact and consortium partners Conflict Management Consulting (CMC) and CRISP - Conflict Transformation and Civic Education, the project trains young participants as skilled enumerators and mediators.
The project equips youth to conduct data-driven conflict analysis and mediate small-scale community disputes. It combines formal techniques like mediation and interest-based negotiation with traditional approaches such as tribal law and elder involvement. By integrating these young mediators into broader peacebuilding activities, the project establishes a sustainable Community of Practice (CoP) for long-term conflict transformation.

- Governance, Peace and Social Cohesion
- Skills and Economic Development
Dorsch Impact GmbH
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
From 2022 to 2024
Ninewa Governorate, Iraq
Project Activities
Capacity Development of 200 young enumerators
Development of training curriculum: data collection, interviewing techniques, actors mapping, research, and basic principles of research approaches, Do-No-Harm approach, conflict- and context-sensitivity.
Guided data collection period.
Capacity Development of 80 young conflict advisors
Conflict analysis and conflict management.
Practical experience: real-life conflict solving.
Capacity Development of 30 young mediators
Mediation in Iraq: Commonalities and differences with local conflict resolution practices.
Principles of mediation/ethical self-conception.
Theory and practice of different approaches.
Case documentation.
Institutionalisation of a Community of Practice
Sustainable community of practice: bringing YEM and leading Iraqi and international organisations and consultancies together.
Job fairs, networking platform, study trips.
Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs:

Project Images