Dorsch Global in a continuous course for growth
The development of our company is focused on further digitalisation and automation of our service processes and a clear positioning in our markets of Central Europe, the Arab world, Africa, India and South East Asia.
The companies of Dorsch Global are not excluded from volatile global dynamics. And yet, in the past years which were impacted by the financial crisis, the euro crisis, sanctions, oil price decline and Covid-19, it has become evident that we are able to balance downturns and crises very well thanks to our internationally diversified business model and wide range of services. The combination of local presence and international backing from the entire company made it possible for us to significantly expand our strong position both in Germany and on an international scale.
With more than 7,500 employees worldwide today, the number of staff has more than quadrupled in the last 15 years. In order to continue this growth course not just organically, but also through acquisitions of complementary engineering companies, we already decided back in 2016 to bring a financially strong and experienced partner into the company as majority shareholder. As of 2018, the RAG-Stiftung holding company, RSBG, now holds 100 percent of the shares in our company.
For all the differences we have learned to cope with in markets such as francophone West Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, India or South East Asia, there is one thing they all have in common: the sharp rise in demand for planning and building resources. To keep pace with a globalized world each country’s infrastructure must be highly developed at the regional level. Individual projects are getting bigger, and clients tend to put together larger planning packages. These days, the role of the meta planner, who maps all service sectors across all service phases in one interface, and at the same time, as integrator, leads and coordinates all parties involved in the planning, has already been taken over by us.
Climate and environmental protection, as well as the careful use of dwindling resources, today play a central role all over the world. The issue of sustainability of our planning is examined just as carefully by our clients in Germany as it is in emerging and developing countries. This discussion is interesting because the technologies for building an energy self-sufficient city have been applied for some time now. It is not a question of ability but a question of will. So not only we at Dorsch Global are enthusiastic about the heated climate discussion taking place worldwide. Meanwhile, we have been given the green light to play our part and contribute towards a better environment, where our specific expertise in urban planning plays a decisive role.
It is precisely the complementary interweaving of urban development, building construction, infrastructure planning and development cooperation, which we are the only ones in Germany able to guarantee on a large scale with our own team, that makes us internationally competitive. The competence of the companies united under Dorsch Global is based on this combination of accumulated experience with an open mind on future developments and on the interaction of our employees in Europe, in Africa, in the Arabian world, in India and in South East Asia. It is marked by the team spirit of our staff, a pool of outstanding talents with global reach and local knowledge.
Ayman Haikal
CEO, Dorsch Global