Yanada Gas Pipeline Project

The Yadana Gas Pipeline Project consists of a pipeline, some 355 kilometers in length, bringing natural gas from the Yadana Gas Field in the Andaman Sea offshore from Myanmar to Ratchaburi in Thailand.

The portion of the project within Thailand form the Myanmar border to the Ratchaburi Terminal extends some 260 kilometers, partly through difficult mountainous terrain.

The estimated final capacity of the 42” gas pipeline is some 525 million cubic feet per day.


  • Oil & Gas


Dorsch Consult asia Co., Ltd.


PTT Public Company Limited, Thailand


From 1996 to 1998


Ratchaburi, Thailand

Project Activities

DORSCH CONSULT has been awarded a subcontract involving the planning, detailed design, tendering, procurement and supervision of mechanical-electrical, instrumentation and telecommunications system for the main Operations and Maintenance Center, various intermediate stations(such as the take-over and block valve station at Ban I Tong) and associated facilities (such as main workshop and warehouse, office, power station, gate house and fire-fighting garage, control building, restaurant and housing).

The trades involved in each case are mechanical electrical, instrumentation and telecommunications

