Switch renewal Muskauer Straße
Due to significant signs of wear, Cottbusverkehr GmbH planned the renewal of points 305 and 306 in the Sandow district of Cottbus over a length of 52 metres.
Turnout 305 was completely renewed. At turnout W305, the double-track section of track located on a special railway structure next to Muskauer Straße was merged into a single-track section of track.

- Railways
GRE German Rail Engineering GmbH
Cottbusverkehr GmbH
From 2018 to 2020
Cottbus (Brandenburg), Germany
Project Activities
Project planning traffic facilities according to § 47 HOAI 2013 Lph 3-8
Specialist planning of technical equipment according to § 55 HOAI 2013 Lph 3-8
Special services:
Local construction supervision
Subcontractor services:
Electrical engineering
Catenary systems
Technical parameters:
Renewal of the points
Electrical engineering
Catenary systems
Project Images