Water Supply Project
Extension of the urban water supply system consisting of:
6 boreholes in 1 wellfield, 1 pressure transfer main DN150mm 6 km each
2 new overhead Reservoirs 3.000 m3, 40 km of ductile iron distribution pipes
DN 300-DN80, 16.000 house connections, out of which 5.000 new rehabilitation and extension of the sewage collection system consistent of:
35 km of sewers DN 250 to DN 500, 900 manholes, appurtenant works
Feasibility of a new sewage treatment plant
Advise on Business Management and Institutional Strengthening including:
Establishment of a business plan
Definition and introduction of a new billing and collection system (software, hardware, training)
Human resource development

- Municipal Infrastructure
- Water Resources Management
Dorsch Impact GmbH
Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW), financed by KfW, AFD (French Development Agency), EIB, EU, Government of Egypt
From 2005 to 2010
Lushnja, Albania
Project Activities
Overall project management, General coordination of all parties involved (ministry, municipalities, funding agency, own national and international staff)
Review of the feasibility study and assessment of current situation
Institutional strengthening and business management
Final Design and Tender preparation
Assistance in tendering and award
Preparation and detailed design of investment to be implemented
Technical, financial a. administrative site supervision
Site supervision of works as “the engineers” under FIDIC conditions
Quantity and quality survey, Control and Approval of payments to contractor
Institutional strengthening of the municipal departments dealing with handling and implementation and maintenance of public infrastructure