Sanitation Programme: NEXUS and Resource Protection

Jordan’s population has grown significantly due to natural growth and refugee migration, increasing pressure on water resources and wastewater generation. To address this, the Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) is implementing the Sanitation Programme: Nexus and Resources Protection, focusing on priority infrastructure measures from the National Wastewater Plan. 

The project includes extending wastewater collection in Shafa Badran and Sukhne to ensure equitable sanitation. It also upgrades As Salt WWTP to reduce untreated wastewater and increase safe reuse. A hydropower plant on the main effluent pipeline at Shounna improves energy efficiency and supports climate mitigation. Sewer networks are also extended in Al Mansour, Um Halilifa, and Khirbet Musallam. 

Overall, the project provides 50,000 people with sewer access, enables wastewater reuse for 40,000 more, and improves energy efficiency at As Salt WWTP, reducing energy consumption by at least 10%. 


  • Municipal Infrastructure
  • Water Resources Management


Dorsch Impact GmbH


Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ), financed by KfW


From 2017 to 2022


Amman, Zarqa, Jordan

Project Activities

Component 1: Sewer System Shafa Badran 

  • Includes a new sewer network, house connections, pump station, and force main to improve wastewater collection and treatment. 

Component 2: Sewer System Sukhne 

  • Involves the construction of a new sewer network, house connections, pump station, and force main, enhancing sanitation services. 

Component 3: As Salt Wastewater Treatment Plant (Rehabilitation & Extension) 

  • Several options were considered, including a new WWTP 10 km away. To meet effluent standards, advanced nutrient removal using the activated sludge process is required. Sludge will be anaerobically digested, producing 35% of the plant’s electricity needs, then mechanically dewatered, dried, and reused in agriculture. Effluent will be used for irrigation, and solar panels will be installed on the sludge storage roof. 

Component 4: As Shounna Hydropower Station 

  • A small hydropower plant will be built to harness the area’s topography and support reclaimed water use for irrigation. 

Component 5: Sewer Networks in Mansour, Um Halilifa & Khirbet Musallam 

  • Includes trunk mains, new sewer networks, and house connections, expanding sanitation services in these areas

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs:

Clean water and sanitation
Affordable and clean energy
Climate action
Zero hunger
