Ramadi-Kerbala Railway - Geology

The Governorate capitals Ramadi and Kerbala shall be connected by a double track railway link with a total length of approx. 133 km. The line will pass along Lake Habbainiyah in Al-Anbar and will serve six stations. One major Wadi bridge, seven standard railway bridges and seventeen standard road bridges are to be built in course of the line.

DC was commissioned with the feasibility study. The objective of the study is to update the design of railway which was initially designed by the Italian consultant SOTECNI in the early 1980’s to the technical state-of-the art.


  • Railways
  • Environment & Sustainability


Iraqi Republic Railways IRR


From 2008 to 2010


Iraq (nationwide), Iraq

Project Activities

  • Geotechnical feasibility report with foundation expertise for the track and the bridges based on the available drawings, reports and other information.

Due to the current safety risk in the Ramadi-Kerbala region it was not possible to carry out additional geotechnical site investigations.
