Programme d'Appui à la Décentralisation et au Développement Communal (FADeC V)
Despite improvements in municipal services, rural populations in Benin still lack adequate access to public services and opportunities to influence local decision-making. The Financial Cooperation (FC) measure improves equal access to sustainable basic services via the Fonds d’Appui au Développement des Communes (FADeC) national financial transfer mechanism, in line with good governance principles. Lessons from the programme’s phases I-IV are used to develop FADeC and strengthen good local governance. The project supports Benin's COVID-19 strategy and aligns with the development cooperation programme to transfer political, administrative, and fiscal responsibilities to local authorities, enabling needs-based services for the poorest.
The project has two components:
Component I “Investments” concerns the direct co-financing by the FADeC for municipal investments (unallocated funds).
Component II ‘"Accompanying the investments" is overseen by Dorsch Impact and consists of measures to develop the FADeC system and municipal project management.
The project intervenes in all the 77 communes of Benin.

- Governance, Peace and Social Cohesion
- Municipal Infrastructure
Dorsch Impact GmbH
Ministère de la Décentralisation et de la Gouvernance Locale (MDGL) / Secrétariat Permanent du CONAFIL, financed by KfW
From 2021 to 2025
Project Activities
Sub-component I: Development of the FADeC system
- development and implementation of a performance monitoring strategy for FADeC
- improving financial reporting and impact monitoring
- lightening audits
- digitalising financial data and data about physical realisations
- organisational support to SP/CONAFIL
- study on diversifying financial products
Sub-component II: Good Municipal Governance
- strengthening of control bodies IGAA and IGF
- supporting annual audits and external technical controls
- improving infrastructure maintenance
- developing an internal control system
- digitalising FADeC fund transfers
Sub-component III: Support for the COVID-19 Window
- supporting municipalities to implement COVID-19 prevention and response measures through FADeC unallocated funds
Sub-component IV: Support Guichet Sahel
- preventing radicalisation in Northern Benin by integrating measures into municipal plans, monitoring projects & strengthening civil society participation
Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs: