Preparation of the National Adaptation Plan for the Libyan Government

Libya faces significant climate risks, including higher temperatures, extreme weather, reduced rainfall, and sea level rise, threatening water resources and coastal populations. Efforts to adapt, such as adopting renewable energy and improving efficiency, are hindered by the lack of a regulatory framework. Despite signing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2015 and ratifying the Paris Agreement in 2021, Libya has yet to submit its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) or National Adaptation Plans. The SECCAR project, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and the CASEP project, co-financed by the EU and BMZ, strengthen Libya’s capacity to adapt to climate change. SECCAR focuses on sustainable energy and climate adaptation, including preparing six regulatory documents. CASEP supports Libya in addressing water scarcity and other threats and developing a national adaptation plan within a broader climate strategy.


  • Climate Action


Dorsch Impact GmbH


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH


From 2024 to 2026



Project Activities

WP 1: Framing the NAP Development Process 

Establish the NAP development process as a participatory, multistakeholder effort, going beyond just formulating a document. Capacity building, coordination, dialogue, approval, and monitoring are key. Partner institutions will be capacitated to contribute to the National Adaptation Plan. 

WP 2: Participative Climate Risk Assessments 

Design and implement participatory processes for climate risk analysis at the national level and within the water, agriculture, and electricity sectors. All collected data will be analysed and compiled to ensure the assessment report meets international standards. 

WP 3: Drafting Adaptation Plans and Measures 

Coordinate a participatory process to draft national and sectoral adaptation plans, including identifying, selecting, and prioritising adaptation options. 

WP 4: Support for a Local NGO 

Advise, coach, and provide hands-on support to a local NGO in its work with municipalities on climate change adaptation. 

WP 5: Review and Consolidation of the NAP

Assist the Ministry of Environment in coordinating the multistakeholder review process and facilitating interministerial dialogue. This will culminate in the adaptation plans being finalised and approved for submission to the UNFCCC.

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs:

Climate action
