lndo-German Global Academy for Agroecology Research and Learning (IGGAARL)

The Indo-German Global Academy for Agroecology Research and Learning (IGGAARL) project aims to deliver convincing research results that further agro-ecological farming in Andhra Pradesh and beyond. Another goal is to improve rural livelihoods in terms of income, food, nutrition, and health security, while enhancing ecosystem services. This contributes to the sustainable management of natural resources, minimising the risks of climate change and increasing productivity, income, and employment in rural areas. 

The academies will be established at an existing research campus in Pulivendula in the YSR district of Andhra Pradesh (AP). The academy reaches out to all districts of AP to train Farmer Scientists, who will learn and conduct field research in their own fields. The Academy will finance institutes of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Universities, and other agencies, such as Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK), to conduct farmer-oriented agro-ecological research.

A field with a sign giving information about the farmer and his crop model.
Natural Farming Field with a Sign giving information on the farmer and his crop model. (c) Dorsch Impact


  • Agriculture and Irrigation
  • Sustainable Natural Resources Management


Dorsch Impact GmbH


Rythu Sadhikara Samstha (RySS), financed by KfW


From 2023 to 2026


Andhra Pradesh, India

Project Activities

Support for the development of IGGAARL research orientation 

  • Prioritisation of research topics and research planning. 

  • Identification of research partners, networks, and modes of cooperation. 

  • Developing of IGGAARL strategy for external fundraising. 

  • Communication with the beneficiaries and dissemination of research results. 

Support for the establishment of the IGGAARL 

  • Infrastructure buildings, furnishing, laboratories, IT and information repository. 

  • Procurement for goods and services. 

  • Institutional, organisational set-up and staffing. 

Support for project management 

  • Disposition fund management according to KfW guidelines. 

  • Administer study and expert fund. 

  • Set up and implementation of a monitoring system. 

  • Compliance with Environmental, Social and Health and Safety (ESHS).

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs:

No poverty
Zero hunger
Quality Education
Gender equality
Decent work and economic growth
Responsible consumption and production
Climate action
Partnership for the goals
