Governance and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (Pro2GRN)
Taï and Comoé National Parks are classified as endangered due to illegal land use, poaching and illegal gold mining. Inappropriate agricultural management, competing demands from population groups and insufficient protection threaten both national parks and prevent the economic potential of agricultural value chains from being used for poverty reduction in the parks' riparian zones. Food crops and livestock depend on ecosystem services, biodiversity, and the parks' natural resources. However, they also endanger park resources through inappropriate use. An important approach to protect biodiversity is to manage the parks and strengthen the use of natural resources in their buffer zones.

- Agriculture and Irrigation
- Climate Action
- Skills and Economic Development
- Sustainable Natural Resources Management
Dorsch Impact GmbH
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
From 2021 to 2015
Taï and Comoé National Parks, Cóte d'Ivoire
Project Activities
The work focuses on:
Capacity development of local groups in natural resource governance and agricultural productivity through technical and organisational advice.
Capacity development of the national park administration through technical and organisational advice.
Provision of experiential knowledge to the national government from development cooperation on integrated governance approaches in agriculture, environment and forestry.
Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs: