Good Financial Governance – Accountability and Revenue Mobilisation

The Good Financial Governance (GFG) Programme aims to strengthen Tanzania’s public finance system through good financial governance principles, especially transparency, efficiency, and accountability. The programme focuses on four fields of action: 1) strengthening of external audit, 2) strengthening of the system of internal audit, 3) strengthening the system of domestic revenue mobilisation and 4) strengthening the dialogue between civil and state actors. Dorsch Impact supported fields of action 3 and 4 to increase own source revenue collection in ten selected Local Government Authorities (LGA), piloting the exchange of information between five LGAs and the Tanzanian Revenue Authority (TRA) and generating citizen-oriented reports on local source revenue spending in five LGA.


  • Governance, Peace and Social Cohesion


Dorsch Impact GmbH


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, financed by BMZ, the Swiss Government and the European Union


From 2016 to 2020



Project Activities

  • Project implementation through change projects, individually agreed upon with selected partner LGA.
  • Providing coaching, technical assistance, advisory and facilitation to achieve defined change objectives on a broad set of topics.
  • Tailor-made capacity development for LGA staff to improve tax administration and revenue collection.
  • Collaborative development of replicable tools and instruments based on local needs assessment.
  • Citizen-oriented communication strategies and tools development.
  • Facilitation of local multi-stakeholder dialogue formats.
  • Generating in-depth technical reports and good practice examples as input for national-level PFM reform.
  • Knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation. 

Contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to making a positive impact and supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This project contributes to the following SDGs:
