Track renewal on Wendenschloßstraße
The existing stops in Wendenschloßstraße no longer met today's requirements in terms of passenger-friendliness, accessibility and traffic safety. For this reason, the seven pairs of stops were converted to be barrier-free.
As part of this measure, the tram tracks in the over two kilometre long Wendenschloßstraße were also renewed. The planning included the renewal of 1,680 metres of double track, 260 metres of single-track turning loop and 150 metres of double-track stabling facilities including the terminus.
Due to parallel measures by Berliner Wasserbetriebe and the size of the construction site, the planning and realisation of the measure was carried out in several sections.
- Railways
GRE German Rail Engineering GmbH
Berlin public transport company (BVG)
From 2016 to 2020
Berlin-Köpenick, Germany
Project Activities
Project planning traffic facilities § 47 HOAI 2013, Lph 2-5
Renewal of tram tracks
Renewal of turning loop
Parking facility
7 barrier-free pairs of stops
Special services:
Traffic management during construction
Line coordination
Technical parameters:
Renewal of 1,680 m double track
Renewal of 260 m single-track turning loop
150 m double-track sidings incl. terminus

Project Images