Frankfurt Int'l Airport "Rhein-Main" (FRA): Plan Approval Procedure 4th Runway
Due to the air traffic forecast for Frankfurt International Airport an extension of the existing airfield areas is necessary.
This includes an additional runway 2,800 m long and 45 m wide including the related taxiways and four taxiway bridges. This will allow new organization of the existing southern airfield areas for reason of build-ings construction (passenger terminal facilities, cargo, administration, etc.), extension of highway interchange Frankfurter Kreuz, reorganization and rehabilitation of roads and trails disconnected by the measures.
Furthermore, for the new operations area drainage facilities have to be built, and existing technical facilities have to be adjusted and extended. Last but not least substantial environmental compensation measures have to be realised.
- Airports
- Roads
- Environment & Sustainability
- Sanitation
Dorsch Engineers GmbH
Fraport AG
From 2001 to 2005
Frankfurt / Main, Germany
Project Activities
Plan approval documents, i.a.:
- Design documents (explanatory reports, drawings, construction buildings lists)Experts reports (Coordination)
The accompanionship of the procedure means:
- Responses to claims by organizations of public interest
- Preparation and accompanionship of public hearings