Eco-city Planning and Management Programme
This programme is a Chinese-German cooperation programme, implemented by the municipal governments of Yangzhou and Changzhou and the GTZ.
The provincial government, through the Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation is the executing agency of the programme.
The programme contributes to a strengthening of the ecocity strategies in China for a more sustainable urbanisation process, implying improved socially, economically and ecologically balanced management efficiency.
Within the wide fields of ecocity development, the programme focuses on the following three components:
- Spatial planning and integrated urban environmental management.
- Solutions for selected key issues on urban development and the urban environment.
- Integrated learning systems and dissemination channels.

- Masterplanning
- Environment & Sustainability
Dorsch Consult asia Co., Ltd.
German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
From 2003 to 2007
Jiangsu Province, China
Project Activities
- Assignment of an expatriate institutional advisor based in Changzhou, to interact with the Environmental Protection Bureaus and Urban Planning Bureaus of both Municipalities, in defining strategies for managing land, water, energy, and material resources with a high level of efficiency and sustainable in the long term. The resource management will emphasise the prevention of pollution from the manufacturing and service industries, the public sector and households. The fields of assistance focus mainly on water and solid waste management issues, but include also neighboring topics such as eco-sanitation, cleaner production, environmentally friendly construction, facility management, sound traffic management and public transport.
- Assignment of international and national experts covering specialist subjects such as eco-sanitation, industrial wastewater treatment, eco-efficiency in industry, ecological planning and construction