Basrah - Fao Railway, Geotechnics
The 115 km long Basrah – Al Fao railway link shall connect Basrah with the planned deep water port on Al Fao peninsula to facilitate international trade routes.
The line is located in the Mesopotamian Delta Plain. The upper tens of meters of the subsoil are built up of alluvial fine grained and very compressible deposits. The groundwater table is close to the surface.
The railway will cross in a 5.4 km long tunnel underneath the Basrah Ship Canal.

- Railways
- Environment & Sustainability
Iraqi Republic Railways IRR
From 2008 to 2010
Iraq, Iraq
Project Activities
- Screening and analysis of all available documents
- Geotechnical investigation with six 30 m drillings at bridge locations, one 75 m drilling on the Basrah Canal at the planned tunnel crossing, each 39 test pits and penetration tests along the track and soil mechanics laboratory tests.
- Geotechnical report with foundation expertise for track, bridges, embankments
- Consulting services for viable alternatives for Canal crossing and for the design of the tunnel