PB CONSULT is new member of Dorsch Gruppe

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Through the acquisition of GRE from Gauff Group, Dorsch Gruppe indirectly also acquired a 50 % share in PB-Consult Planungs- und Betriebsberatungsgesellschaft mbH, a company operating in the transport sector.

PB CONSULT is an interdisciplinary engineering company developing solutions for the mobile demands of today's environments. Solutions that meet individual requirements as well as social and economic developments - taking into account the factors of sustainabilityenvironmental and social responsibility

Combining the expertise in engineering, economics, urban planning, geography and marketing, the PB CONSULT team offers all the substantial qualifications for a comprehensive range of services in the transport sector. In addition to its headquarters in Nuremberg, PB CONSULT has project offices in Munich and Kassel. Managing directors are Mr. Georg Kern and Mr. Thomas Kahn.

For a brief introduction of PB CONSULT please take a look at the <link file:3941 download file>company profile available here as a PDF.

More information can be found on the recently redesigned website: <link https: www.pbconsult.de en competences-2 external-link-new-window external link in new>www.pbconsult.de/en/competences-2