GRE German Rail Engineering celebrates its 35th anniversary

On July 12, 2023, GRE German Rail Engineering celebrates its 35th anniversary. The company was founded on July 12, 1988 in Nuremberg, with the change of the GRE to the Dorsch Group, today's headquarters are Frankfurt am Main.

"This year, we can be proud of a workforce of around 130 employees at our locations in Berlin, Dresden, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Nuremberg and Wirges - and internationally in Kenya and Ethiopia," said the managing directors of GRE, Thomas Eckart, Dr. Jens Unger and Jörg Meitzner.

"With our engineering services, we achieve an annual turnover of approx. € 12 million. We are pleased to be part of the Dorsch Group and to shape the future in a spirit of trust with the companies of the Dorsch Group and our employees."

GRE German Rail Engineering celebrates its 35th anniversary