German Vice Cancellor and Minister Dr. Robert Habeck meets CEO Olaf Hoffmann at the Arab-German Energy Forum

Berlin, 11. - 12.10.2022

The energy transition is accelerating a systematic change in geopolitical relations worldwide. For many countries, not only in the EU and the Arab world, this transition entails the swift formation of partnerships and cooperations to implement comprehensive and sustainable solutions to climate change and energy shortages.
The upcoming COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, in which Dorsch Gruppe is also participating, positions the Arab countries as pioneers for the global energy transition. The COP27 will focus on and drive dialogue and interaction with all governmental and non-governmental actors around the world to ensure their participation and commitment to the outcomes of the COP27.
In order to promote and further advance the encouraging cooperation between German and Arab business partners in the energy sector, Olaf Hoffmann, CEO of Dorsch Gruppe met with the German Vice Cancellor and Minister Dr. Robert Habeck at the 12th Arab-German Energy Forum on 11 October.

from left: Olaf Hoffmann, CEO Dorsch Gruppe, Abdulaziz Al-Mikhlafi, Secretary General of GHORFA, Dr. Peter Ramsauer, MdB, Ghorfa President, Dr. Robert Habeck, Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister BMWK