Dorsch Gruppe takes over projects and employees of Manns Ingenieure GmbH

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• GRE German Rail Engineering GmbH as a 100% subsidiary of Dorsch Holding takes over the projects and employees of Manns Ingenieure GmbH • Manns Ingenieure provides proficient engineering services in the fields of transportation, urban development and environmental protection • Acquisition extends the Dorsch Gruppe's range of services in the field of road and complex railway projects •

The employees of Manns Ingenieure in are joining Dorsch Gruppe, thus strengthening the service portfolio of one of the largest consulting engineering companies in Germany.

As of July 1, 2020, GRE German Rail Engineering GmbH (GRE) will take over the employees and projects of Manns Ingenieure GmbH (Manns) based in Wirges by an asset deal. Manns offers comprehensive engineering services in the fields of transportation, urban development and environmental protection and has excellent references.

For 25 years, Manns has been standing for competence in the sector of complex transport projects - i.e., from transport planning and object planning to project management as well as in the sector of intelligent parking / telematically controlled truck parking (column parking).

"The employees of Manns are an excellent enrichment", explains Andreas Schweinar, CFO of the Dorsch Gruppe. "With this acquisition we are expanding our competence centre for road traffic and strengthening our market position in this segment."

It was agreed not to disclose the purchase price. 

<link file:3943 download file>Press Release - Dorsch Gruppe takes over projects and employees of Manns Ingenieure GmbH (PDF, 49 kB)

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