28th International Exhibition of Track Technology iaf in Münster

From 31.05. to 02.06.2022, the 28th International Exhibition of Permanent Way Technology iaf took place in Münster. The iaf 2022 offers a representative overview of the industry on 15,000 m2 of hall space at the Messe und Congress Centrum Halle Münsterland, 6,000 m2 of outdoor space and more than 3,000 m of track at the Münster Ost station of the WLE. Nowhere else are the latest machines, equipment and construction technologies presented in such a comprehensive and spatially concentrated way.

We were on site for a visit and were able to take a look at the latest developments of the individual manufacturers.

We are already looking forward to INNOTRANS, where GRE will have its own stand, together with its subsidiary PB Consult.

28th International Exhibition of Track Technology iaf in Münster