Sludge Treatment and Disposal Programme - Accompanying Measures

This project, co-financed by KfW Development Bank includes the rehabilitation and extension of the treatment of sludge from the existing treatment plants (WWTPs) in Tunisia. Accompanying measures are also implemented to ensure the proper management of the newly constructed facilities. The implementation will be carried out by the National Sanitation Utility of Tunisia (ONAS). 

Dorsch Impact's main objective is to support and assist the ONAS in implementing an investment measures programme for the management and valorisation of sludge, thus contributing directly to access adequate and equitable sanitation, including the safe disposal or reuse of the treated excreta and sludge.


  • Municipal Infrastructure


Dorsch Impact GmbH


Office National de l'Assainissement ONAS, financed by KfW


Von 2020 bis 2024




  • Implementation of a greenhouse drying unit and sludge storage at the El Attar wastewater treatment plant.
  • Complementary works at the STEP El Attar.
  • Construction works for a Biogas recovery unit at STEP El Attar.
  • Planning of a sludge storage centre at SIDI FRAJ.
  • Planning of storage/assembly areas on site (hangars).
  • Establishing of valorisation centres.
  • Acquisition of material and equipment for loading, evacuation and transport of sludge.
  • Installation of drying units in greenhouses and storage of sludge in Sousse Hamdoun.

Unser Beitrag zu den UN-Nachhaltigkeitszielen

Wir haben uns verpflichtet, einen positiven Beitrag zu leisten und unterstützen die UN-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). Dieses Projekt trägt zu den folgenden SDGs bei:

Sauberes Wasser
