Rural Water and Sanitation Support Programme (RWSSP)

Despite Kosovo’s advanced water sector regulations, regional water companies (RWCs) struggle with sustainability. Around 40% of the population, mainly in rural areas, lacked piped water, while only 65% of urban and 42% of rural populations had sewage access. Collection rates were 60%, and water losses reached 61%. Wastewater in rural areas was often disposed of in open channels or damaged septic tanks, contaminating water sources. 

The Rural Water and Sanitation Support Programme (RWSSP) aimed to improve water access, increasing safe drinking water coverage from 66% to 80% and from 50% to 65% for minority groups. It also sought to expand sanitation, improve wastewater treatment, and ensure service sustainability. The project strengthened water companies, enhanced efficiency, promoted renewable energy, and reduced solid waste pollution. By addressing these issues, RWSSP worked to achieve universal, safe water access while protecting the environment. 


  • Municipal Infrastructure
  • Water Resources Management


Dorsch Impact GmbH


Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)


Von 2014 bis 2022




Water Supply 

  • Expand RWC-managed water supply to 80,000 rural residents and upgrade services for 240,000 more. 

  • Increase access for ethnic minorities. 

Water Source Protection & Efficiency 

  • Reduce NRW with targeted reduction plans. 

  • Integrate water source protection into 2 municipalities’ spatial planning. 

  • Develop & share water source protection guidelines. 

  • Strengthen RWCs’ capacity in water management & rural wastewater treatment. 

  • Improve collection rates to 80% in targeted DMAs and expand DMA coverage to 10% overall, 40% in rural areas. 

  • Enhance water quality management across RWCs. 

  • Partner with local authorities & civil society for waste cleanup & awareness campaigns. 


  • Implement 4 pilot rural wastewater treatment systems. 

Institutional Support 

  • Establish PIUs in 7 RWCs for water & sanitation projects. 

  • Ensure RWCs can operate & maintain their systems. 

  • Promote regional cooperation among RWCs. 

Energy Use 

  • Boost energy efficiency and renewable energy use in RWC operations. 

Unser Beitrag zu den UN-Nachhaltigkeitszielen

Wir haben uns verpflichtet, einen positiven Beitrag zu leisten und unterstützen die UN-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). Dieses Projekt trägt zu den folgenden SDGs bei:

Sauberes Wasser
Bezahlbare und saubere Energie
Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden
Nachhaltige/r Konsum und Produktion
Gesundheit und Wohlergehen
