Rehabilitation and Extension of Sewers Networks and Pumping Stations

To meet the growing need for sewer network expansion and wastewater infrastructure rehabilitation, the Tunisian National Sanitation Utility Office National de l’Assainissement (ONAS) launched efforts in 10 governorates: Bizerte, Jendouba, Siliana, Beja, El Kef, Zaghouan, Sfax, Kebili, Kasserine, and Sidi Bouzid. 

The project Design for the Rehabilitation and Extension of Sewers Networks and Pumping Stations in Kebili Governorate, focuses on six municipalities in Kebili: Kebili, Kebili Nord, Douz, Douz Sud, El Golaa, and Jemna. It includes the rehabilitation and extension of sewer networks and wastewater pumping stations, improving sanitation services for residents.

By expanding safely managed sanitation, the project aims to reduce health risks, prevent waterborne diseases, and improve overall public health. 


  • Municipal Infrastructure
  • Water Resources Management


Dorsch Impact GmbH


Office National de l’Assainissement ONAS, financed by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)


Von 2017 bis 2020




Project measures comprised the detailed design, rehabilitation, diagnosis, extension and maintenance of the pumping stations and sewer networks for each governorate, by adopting several methods and techniques while taking into account the current status and the projected capacity (by 2036) to assure well-operated and managed sewerage facilities.

  • The rehabilitation and extension work entailed the following measures: 

  • Detailed diagnosis of the current infrastructure situation. 

  • Preparing baseline data of the current status. 

  • Variant analysis and proposed solutions for sewerage networks and pumping stations. 

Unser Beitrag zu den UN-Nachhaltigkeitszielen

Wir haben uns verpflichtet, einen positiven Beitrag zu leisten und unterstützen die UN-Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). Dieses Projekt trägt zu den folgenden SDGs bei:

Sauberes Wasser
Gesundheit und Wohlergehen
