New Propane and LPG Cold Storage Facilities and Modification at Marine Terminal

The new storage facilities comprise the following main components:

  • Unloading facilities for fully
  • refrigerated LPG or propane on berth no 1 ( max. cold unloading rate 1 500 m³/h)
  • Transfer pipeline system
  • connecting berth no 1 with the cold storage area, including vapour return and cool-down
  • facilities
  • Storage facilities for fully refrigerated LPG and/or propane (comprising two cold storage tanks of 17 500 m³ each)
  • Cold storage refrigeration unit to reliquify boil-off vapour for the cold storage tanks and maintain the storage temperature (-40ºC)
  • Tranfer refrigeration unit to cool down liquid LPG or propane in the case of transfer from the existing pressurized storage to the cold storage at a rate of 40 m³/h
  • Warm-up unit to heat up fully refrigerated LPG or propane in the case of its transfer to pressurized storage at a rate of 150 m³/h
  • Main pumps to accomplish transfer from one cold tank to the other one, transfer from cold storage to pressurized storage, cool-down of the unloading
  • pipeline system, transfer of warmed-up LPG or propane from berth no 1 to pressurized storage
  • Flare system for the cold storage
  • tanks

The modifications to the existing facilities comprise:

  • Flow reversals to the existing 64 km pipeline, requiring the installation of two new booster pumps in order to transport LPG and propane from the marine terminal tank farm back to the gas separation plant
  • Pipeline scraper traps
  • Pressurized storage
  • Metering station


  • Anlagenbau
  • Öl & Gas


Dorsch Consult asia Co., Ltd.


Petroleum Authority of Thailand (PTT)


Von 1987 bis 1989


Khao Bo Ya, Thailand


Phase I

  • Basic Design
  • Preparation of tender documents
  • Bid evaluation
  • Assistance in contract negotiations

Phase II

  • Supervision and checking contractors’ detailed design
  • Construction supervision
  • commissioning and start-up

