B&52 Omon Gas Pipeline Project – FEED

PetroVietnam Southwest Gas Project Management Board of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (PVSWG) is responsible for the development of the Block B&52 – O Mon Gas Pipeline Project implemented to transport natural gas from a proposed Central Processing Platform (CPP) located in the Blocks B&52 - O Mon Gas Pipeline Project transports natural gas from Block B & 52 fields to Ca Mau, O Mon, and Tra Noc Power Plants and Neighboring Industrial Zones in provinces along the pipeline route.

The development of CPP will be done by Chevron and including equipment of pipeline on CPP and Riser from the flange downstream of the gas sales meter to the flange downstream of Subsea Isolation Valve (SSIV).

Pipeline route originates from CPP and includes as follow:

  • Approximately 90 m riser and facilities on CPP
  • Approximately 246 km subsea pipeline
  • Shore crossing
  • Mui Tram Landfall station (LFS)
  • Approximately 152.4 km onshore pipeline, including line break valve
  • Pipeline from LBV#2 to Ca Mau GDS
  • Ca Mau Gas Distribution Station (GDS)
  • O Mon Gas Distribution Centre (GDC)
  • Approximately 9.5 km onshore pipeline from GDC to Tra Noc GDS
  • Tra Noc Gas Distribution Station (GDS)

The Project investment objective is to contribute to the economic development in Southwest provinces and to secure gas/power supply.

The Offshore and Onshore pipeline is scheduled to be finished by Q2 - 2014.

PetroVietnam (PVN) appointed PetroVietnam South East Gas Management Board (PVSWG) as their representative and Worley Parsons Vietnam (WPV) was awarded to provide the FEED and Cost Estimation Report. 

PetroVietnam Engineering (PVE) as the sub-contractor for WPV was awarded the following Scope of Works:

FEED Contractor for the  onshore section and local procurement part including:

  • Pipeline Route Selection
  • Design for Onshore Pipeline
  • Design for Civil Works for GDS, GDC, LBV, Pipeline process module for GDS/GDC, Electrical, Fire Fighting and Safety
  • Design for Corrosion Protection and Cost Estimation for Local Procurement


  • Öl & Gas


Dorsch Consult asia Co., Ltd.


Seit 2009


Vietnam, Vietnam


  • Provision of the Electrical Team Leader for leading the Electrical Team in performing the Electrical FEED documents
  • Provision of the Civil Team Leader for leading the Civil Team in performing the GDS/GDC, LBV FEED

